Thank you Historic Farm Days!

This is an annual show that cannot be missed.  It usually rains at Penfield, but although it was a little warm we had no rain! yahoo! There was some rain overnight on Thursday, but other than that it was a perfect show.

The feature this year was the John Deere D. It was the 100th birthday of the D and they had over 60 D tractors at the show. I'd say that was pretty impressive.
Below are a few pictures from the show which include our booth, the family's Farmall Cub display, along with a few other random pictures.

If you haven't been to The Historic Farm days you should consider putting it on your calendar for next year. Thank you to everyone that came out and bought a cup or placed an order. Rural Girls wouldn't be here today without our God and awesome customers like you! 

Foster’s Farmalls Display

We set up our booth for Rural Girls along side our family’s display of Farmall Cub tractors and implements.

A few random photos from the show……..

Looking forward to our next show at Half Century of Progress in Rantoul, IL!!

